Swim Canada Swim Canada Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics Policy

Swim Ontario Code of Conduct

City of Orillia – Acceptable Behaviour Policy

Orillia Channel Cats – Parents Code of Conduct Parents 

Officials Code of Conduct click here: CodeofConductProcedure

Social Media/Appropriate use of Technology Policy: Social Media



ALL Orillia Channel Cat Swim Club (CATS / Club) swimmers and parents/guardians are required to read, understand, and comply with the CATS Code of Conduct, Swim Canada, Swim Ontario’s Code of Conduct, City of Orillia Acceptable Behaviour Policy and federal, provincial, municipal and host country rules/policies/ guidelines/bylaws/laws. These are in place to protect swimmers, their families, coaches, and the Club and are always in effect while the swimmer is training, travelling or competing with the Club.

The CATS Swim Club is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all members. We strongly believe unacceptable behaviour compromising the Club’s future cannot be tolerated. We are committed to addressing incidents promptly, impartially, and in the best interests of our members and the Club.

Channel Cats Swim Club Code of Conduct

  1. Club Members (swimmers, parents, guardians, coaches, board members, and volunteers) will follow:
    1. CATS Code of Conduct
      1. Swimmers must comply with travel, training, competition, and curfew as communicated before each event.
      2. Swimmers are to follow the rules set out by the facility in which competing, training or attending for any reason as a team member.
  2. Swimmers will not use tobacco (this includes e-cigarettes and vaping and any other forms of smoking), alcohol, drugs or any illegal substances during training, meets or team functions.
  3. Will not use cell phones, cameras, or any type of recording device on the pool deck at practices or during competitions, within the bathrooms, changerooms or any communal area where anyone could be changing.
  4. Will not, for any reason, collect or use anyone’s personal information or post photographs on any social media without consent.
  5. Will not use social media to post harmful photographs, or hurtful words, or to intimidate, complain about, harass, or shame any of their teammates, coaches or anyone on the teams we are competing against. If a swimmer has an issue that they want to communicate, they are asked to approach a coach, chaperone, official, or parent to discuss, not resort to social media to air their complaints.

Report a Channel Cats Swim Club Code of Conduct Complaint

To ensure confidentiality, do not copy other people in the email (this includes coaches or board members).

Email channelcatsdro@gmail.com


Swim Ontario  Swim Club Code of Conduct

Swim Ontario Comprehensive Code of Conduct and Ethics


Swim Canada Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics Policy


City of Orillia Acceptable Behaviour Policy – The City of Orillia Acceptable Behaviour Policy states, Three incidents in the same calendar year, involving members from the same organization will result in a global ban of any bookings from that same organization within any City of Orillia facility for a determined period of time.” It is crucial to understand that with each incident, the future of the Club has been compromised. It is a privilege for the Club to use the City of Orillia’s facilities.

Federal, provincial, municipal and host country bylaws/laws while training, travelling or competing with the Club.


Evaluation of each Incident: Every incident will be carefully evaluated based on the totality of the situation. We will consider the severity, frequency, impact, and intent of the behaviour when determining an appropriate course of action. We aim to ensure the safety of our members, coaches, and the Club’s future.

PenaltiesAny of the following penalties, based upon the severity or repeat of behaviour(s), could be imposed if any of the CATS Code of Conduct, Swim Canada, Swim Ontario’s Code of Conduct, City of Orillia Acceptable Behaviour Policy and federal, provincial, municipal and host country laws are not adhered to while training, travelling, or competing with the Club.



  • Suspension from one or more team practices.
  • Suspension from the current competition and being sent home at the parent/guardian’s expense
  • Suspension from future team competitions and events.
  • Suspension from the team and the club.

Subsequent or second breaches will be a suspension pending the Swim Canada/Swim Ontario discipline process.
